Linux is generally considered as a geek’s operating system and I am completely agree with it. Linux is not only limited to work only. You can also enjoy a lot while working on it. There are many crazy commands which will bring a big smile on your face. Below we are going to discuss few out of them.

1. Oneko : This utility remembers me of the cat mouse game. Cat chases the mouse pointer regardless of its position. You have to download it from the repository by typing “sudo apt-get install oneko” (without quotes)  in ubuntu .Then just launch it by typing oneko . You will see a cat following your mouse pointer. You can terminate this command by using the famous Ctrl-c.

2. Xpenguins:  We all know about the  relationship  of the Linux with the penguin “Tux”.  By using this utility you will see penguins dancing around your desktop. This command is partially GUI based but can be invoked using the CLI. You can install it by using “sudo apt-get install xpenguins” and can invoke it simply typing xpenguins on your terminal. To terminate follow the same Ctrl-c rule.

3.  Fortune :  You can generate famous quotes using this. It uses the random function during the generation. You can find it in the “fortune-mod” package.  For the installation of the package you need to type “sudo apt-get install fortune-mod” . Launch it by typing  fortune . You can add it  in your bashrc file so that everytime you log in you see a message .

4. Cowsay and Xcowsay : Want to say something to anyone using a cow as a medium?? If yes this utility fits the best. CLI version is cowsay and GUI version is xcowsay . You can find them in the cowsay and xcowsay package respectively. To invoke follow the syntax : cowsay text (CLI) and xcowsay text(GUI) . Example – Let’s say “hello” through the cow.

cowsay hello

xcowsay hello

5. sl (oops ls) : As we all know that the “ls” utility (used for listing of files) is used at a very high rate in  Linux. But sometimes due to high speed typing we typed it “sl” and “ls”. If you had “sl” utility installed you will see a train engine passing by in your command line warning you that you have misspelled the ls. Install sl by using “sudo apt-get install sl”  and invoke it using sl.

There are lots of others crazy commands too. Google them and have fun!!!

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