In our previous post “using a file as a storage device” adrian asked a question to us : is it possible to extend the size on the ‘filename’ file? We searched on it and figured out the answer.  Let’s roll 🙂

Lets say you create a file name /newfile of size 200MB and format it, after a while you want to extend the file size. To do that do the following

Step 1. Lets say you want to increase the file size by 100MB

dd   oflag=append  conv=notrunc  if=/dev/zero  of=/newfile   bs=1MB count=100

Now, the file is 100MB larger.

Step 2. Run file system check on the file

fsck -f /newfile

Step 3. Now if you formatted the file system in ext2,3 or 4, you can resize it by using

resize2fs  /newfile.

If you are unable to understand this post fully , please visit using file as a storage device first and check out the comments too . Thanks to adrian for comment 🙂

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